Saturday, March 6, 2010

Party in the Ultrasound Room!!

We tried to gather all of the women to see the BIG 20 week ultrasound. We had it planned for 3:30pm in Penfield. Thankfully it was a snow day and all schools were closed so everyone here could make it. Joe's mom, Julie; Joe's step-mom, Carol; Joe's sisters, Susanne and Molly; Joe and I were all able to come. We knew my mom and sis couldn't make it with them being in Tennessee and going through the big move to Atlanta. So we made foolish plans to have my mom on speaker phone and record the appointment to post here...

Did you know you can't bring a cell phone into a doctor's appt? Did you also know that you can't record an ultrsound?? ummm, sorry mom! So unfortunately they had to learn of the news after the appointment :(

Rewind: The Ultrasound room is about the size of 2 bathrooms and we all squished in there. She asked if we wanted to know the gender and 6 voices bellowed, "YES!!". It wasn't to long after she finished measuring the HUGE 'little Joey' head, that she said, "Well, this one is not shy at all!" ... and there was the image of our babe with spread legs... "Yep, he's all boy!" There was a squeal of excitement and all of the old wives tales were confirmed:
-no morning sickness, huge headaches, salty cravings, clear face, lack of sleep, etc., etc.

The sonographer was really interested in measuring bones and taking pictures of close up body parts. It was awesome to see the baby, HIM.. I can finally say HIM!, to move around and all 10 toes, 10 phalanges, and a smiling face... but I really wish she would have zoomed out to see the whole babe. So here are some close up shots of Mr. Baby Shaver. Yep, we've got to get cracking on boy names. Susanne and Molly are trying so hard to get a nephew with a British accent, hence all of the British name suggestions.

Regardless, we are THRILLED to have a little baby boy on the way. Joe is ecstatic about having a boy, but not too thrilled about all the colorful diapers and clothes I keep buying. I think boys should be able to wear pink with brown argyle socks. We are now 1/2 way there, and I'm just starting to show. More photos to come!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the blog, and all the pictures of pre-wedding days, wedding day, honeymoon, and baby joey. But where are the pictures of the proof that it's a boy????? Close up shots of Baby Joey?????
