Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry News...

Wow! It's so hard to keep a secret from Joe-Joey each year... Me: "No, I'm not telling you what I got you for Christmas, or your birthday."... Joe: "Ok."... Me: "So, do you want to know?"... Joe: "No, don't tell me."... Me: "Ok."... "How 'bout now? please, I just want you to open it!"

So Joe learned real quick, that I stink at keeping BIG secrets and if bullied, I break. Yep, it's true. I crumble like gluten-free waffles (yuk!). So when we had big news to share... we had a really tough time not telling anyone for months!? By Thanksgiving we broke... we pinky swore that we would keep it a secret to our parents until Christmas... but we could pick one person to tell around Thanksgiving. BAD IDEA... it just opened the flood gates and we wanted to tell everyone. We didn't, and getting the flu made it much easier on me for an excuse of why I couldn't drink ;)
Then I got a great idea to pour white grape juice or watered-down apple juice in wine glasses at holiday parties. Unfortunately there are 2 problems to that solution:
1. I was SO thirsty that I would chug the juice and looked like a wine-O.
2. I kept the small tupperware bottle of juice in my pocket... when hugged it would leak.

Despite the several people that constantly called us out on being pregnant, I really wanted everyone to know. Thankfully, Christmas came quickly. We had planned to give each parent/family a framed photo from our wedding with an empty frame that read, "Reserve this frame for Baby Shaver, due to arrive July 21, 2010". The irony is that all 3 units were SO emotional over the wedding photos that the 'baby frame' was put to the side, while Joe and I bit our lips ("omg, just read it. we're gushing here!!) Then after the painful few minutes they read it and exploded!

We slept so well that holiday week, having the secret out! We are blessed with awesome families and amazing friends that are so excited with us and very supportive. Thank you. We are all better when we're loved. xoxox

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