Our parents gave us amazing siblings, and the universe gave us extraordinary friends. So many have supported our relationship, given us great advice, and shared some remarkable experiences. Here are just a few...
Groom's Wing:

Matt Hiemburg met Joe somewhere such as the lunch table in junior high, though history does not present an accurate record. They, along with Greg, were close friends throughout high school. Matt and Joe were roommates at the University of Buffalo for 2 years before they both simultaneously decided they needed to 'get the heck out of there'. Matt later attended the University of Dayton and met his wife Jill. They and their son, Deacon, currently live in Asheville, NC where he is a Professor of Communications. Matt is credited with having the most interesting hairdo of anyone Joe knows. He also makes his own beer (so good) that Joe started brewing as a result.

Greg Jensen and Joe mostly met and became friends because they realized early that they wanted to ski slightly more often than their parents were wiling to make the drive to the slopes. As teens, they managed to up their hours on the mountain through the miracle of carpooling. They were close friends throughout high school and beyond, though Greg's love of the big mountains keep him fairly far away from Rochester most of the time. Greg is credited with 'convincing' Joe to do lots of things he didn't want to throughout the years, but ended up being glad that he did in the end (most of the time). Greg currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he is pursuing a career as someone who REALLY likes to ski.
Susanne Shaver, Joe's sister. Joe enjoyed a luxurious & peaceful two years of being 'the baby' until one long summer day, along came Susanne. Joe had mixed feelings about this new baby and was unsure how this would affect his status. He pretty much forgot about all that when he discovered his new pastime for the next few years to come: Bothering his younger sister. Despite the early years of healthy sibling combat, Joe and Susanne managed to stay very close, even sharing an apartment for years. Susanne has been a wonderful sister and close friend to both Aimee and Joe. In no way meaning to overshadow her many talents and accomplishments, Joe's favorite interesting fact about Susanne is that she can actually eat cookies while asleep! She recently finished a Master's degree in Education (notably 5 fewer years than it took Joe) and resides in Brighton with her fiancee, Andrew.
Andrew Quagliata, Susanne's fiancee. Andrew stepped into our lives a few years ago after sweeping Susanne off her feet. Andrew and Sus had the stars aligned as they share the same birthday of the same year. They were even in the same bar on their 21st birthday without knowing of each other until later! Andrew coaches soccer, volunteers with Big Brothers, works in the President's Office at RIT and is also a financial advisor in his spare time. Our favorite memory of Andrew is a toss up between; quacking like a duck instead of voting on the family Christmas tree, or thinking that he also 'turned blue' in Indiana. Susanne and Andrew are planning a mid-November wedding.
Bride's Wing:
Michele Haase, Aimee's sister. Like Joe, Michele really enjoyed being the only child, but soon also enjoyed torturing her younger sibling. Aimee truly needs to credit Michele with preparing Aimee to work with urban youth and saving the world... skills that Michele doesn't even know she taught. Although 750 miles away, these sisters can call on their way home from work and it feels just blocks away. As most close friends, these two share a silent language and communicate through eye gestures which usually ends in explosive laughter, beware if one is eating cottage cheese! Michele works at a country club in Knoxville, TN and is raising two cherubs with her husband, David. One of my MANY favorite memories with Michele, is riding any ride at carnivals or watching her on the Tower of Terror at Disney.... screaming and spatting the whole way.
Sierra Bishop shared a cinder block wall with Aimee at Northern Michigan University, and supposedly learned a lot about Pink Floyd and the Dead while studying. These two became best friends and slightly competitive from RA training to community service. Ok, so she won the higher GPA, but Aimee won the environmental styro-free award! Sierra is an amazing middle school counselor in the upper peninsula of Michigan and lives in a huge cabin in the woods with her husband Rob, and their cherubs, Hunter and Gabrielle. Joe and Caliente met Sierra after driving 20+ hours though a blizzard, we love snow! Although we spent a few years acting like 'Charlie's Angels' while on duty as RA's, my favorite memory with Sierra would be our trip to Alcatraz Island (she's only innocent looking!) followed by a trek through Sonoma.
Krista Malley might be the happiest newlywed. She and her husband Dwayne live in the Detroit-area and works at Oakland University. Krista met Sierra and Aimee upon move-in day at Michigan, as she was our Resident Advisor. She introduced us to SLFP and encouraged us to follow in her footsteps and become RA's. In college and beyond, Krista has been a superb mentor. This twinner is centimeters away from finishing her PhD program. Besides Krista giving Joe the 'talking to', my favorite memories with Krista are trekking across Europe, from the mineral baths in Budapest to dancing in Stockholm to celebrate Summer Solstice. Krista & Dwayne are excited to start a family and she might fulfill my dream of having a bridesmaid with a baby bump showing, fingers crossed.

Inge Dobbe is Aimee's 'sister' across the Atlantic. Inge came to America as an exchange student. She, Michele, and Aimee became instant sisters and traveled the country, laughing a lot! Since her year in the US, our families have visited several times and remain close. Inge also hosted Aimee and Krista on their tour of Holland in 2001. Currently, Inge lives in the Netherlands with her husband Marc and two cherubs Nina and Sam. She is a talented photographer and is very excited to be in her first American wedding! Some of my favorite memories of Inge would include learning putt-putt golf, getting lost in Manhattan, and learning to luge in the Austria peaks.
Keystone Attendants:
Caliente Erwin-Shaver, our first daughter... the keeper of our hearts. Cali has taught us many lessons in life from patience to consistency. We know that she has secret meetings and capered events when we are at work. Although a very studious puppy, we are still awaiting her to fold the laundry. Our favorite memory with Cali would be hiking at Hi-Tor and being chased by a HUGE bee for miles... who knew an onlooking family was also being entertained?
Morgan & Michael Haase are the children of Aimee's sister, Michele. Princess Morgan is an amazing soccer player, while Mike enjoys basketball. They know how to tell stories and make anyone giggle, including Caliente. Our favorite memories with Morgan and Mike would be the 'bombs-away' pool parties, holidays at Disney, and the Fast & the Furriest 5K.
Emily & Molly Shaver are Joe's youngest sisters. Emily is following in her brother's footsteps of musical interest with a piano and a new guitar. Molly is an actress to the core, and after Aimee's heart, as a Victor cheerleader! Our favorite memories with these sisters has to be watching them encourage Caliente to play in the water or mud, while Rosie and Blossom, their boxer dogs watch in disgust. "Oh, Cali..."
We would LOVE to have 50+ attendants on each side of us... and then it dawned on us, that you will all be standing behind us, not only for one day but for life. We know that each of you will be our witness to this sacrament and exchange of vows. Thank you for supporting us in the vineyard and guiding us outside the vineyard in days to come.
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