We had our last (hopefully) ultrasound to clarify if we would need a C-section... and thankfully we do not have to have one planned. Unfortunately, our doctor said the Little Babe is growing so well that both of my labor fears are coming true.... big baby and big head. Excellent. So as of the end of May he weighed 4 and 1/4 lbs with the idea that he'll most likely gain more than a 1/2 pound each week. Dr. Michelle explained that we should expect either to go early or a 9-12 lb baby. Awesome. We are praying for early, but not too early. We want this guy to have healthy lungs and be born in NY state. Please pray with us that he arrives safely (and slim) around the 4th of July.
Speaking of taking bets on arrival... Susanne and Rachel gave me a beautiful and memorable little girlie shower. They all brought their favorite books to start the babe's library. It was so personal and touching to hear why each person chose a certain book, as it has close ties to their hearts... and now ours. Thank you ladies for being the amazingly strong circle of girlfriends a woman could ever ask for, you are all gems (near and far!).
For those following, this also means that I missed child birthing class #4. Joe was a super dad-to-be and husband as he decided to go by himself! He sat through the info and video on C-sections and the show and tell portion of 'strange medical tools you might see', all before taking a tour of the birthing center and then relaying it all back to me over the phone. Joseph, you're one amazing man!!
Now it's back to work and waiting for this little bundle to make his appearance. Like his sister, he's a very active nuzzler all day and knows to simmer down when he hears his Daddy's voice. Hopefully that will transfer over into the outer-womb room. We'll let you know when we are heading to Rochester General!