I had my second ultrasound scheduled along with genetic testing. One of my bridesmaids warned me (knowing my huge fear of blood) that they'd take 15 viles of blood. Everyone else I talked to, said that was rediculous. It didn't matter, I knew I would pass out and vomit and, and, and...
I have never donated blood. Yes, I am a girly-girl when it comes to blood, hence why I am a teacher, not a doctor. If you were in my 4th grade class, you'll remember my oral presentation of "What I want to be when I grow up: NOT a vet!" I spent a few days researching the job and shadowing our local vet. I got nauseous during shots and blood draws, but the worst was when a little Schnauzer was being checked for... I don't know, foreign objects up the bum? Anyhow, when that gloved finger went in... the dog's neck went straight and boom! Aimee went down. From that day, I never wanted to be a vet again, nothing in medicine. I took several F's in Biology to opt out of any dissection or blood. elck.
So, Joe-Joey gave me adult pep talks about how smart and strong I am, that I can do this, give 15 viles of blood. I actually thought I could too. Until that morning, I crumpled. Joe was already at work and I needed a hand to hold. I quickly called Jimmy, Joe's step-dad, whom cleared his schedule to come save this damsel in distress.
We got to the appointment and the ultrasound was first, but I wanted to trick Jimmy. When we went in I was talking about how I need my dad to hold my hand when I give blood and started rolling down my pants and up my shirt. I could only imagine what he was thinking... "Where are they going to take the blood from, your belly?" I tricked you!! It's an ultrasound, you get to see the baby today!!
Now, even though Jimmy helped raise Susanne and Joseph, I don't believe he had ever witnessed an ultrasound. It was so awesome to see it through his eyes. Being the true Jimmy, he asked a gazillion questions, "What's that?", "Why is the baby doing flips?", "Where did you go to school?"... it really was amazing to see the baby SO active in there, arching his back, flicking his head and floating up and quietly sinking down... just to do it all over again. I think the Sonographer was so happy to see Jimmy so tickled that she printed off many photos for us to share. :)
Then we went across the street to donate my buckets of blood. I just asked Jimmy to keep talking to me so I'd laugh. He was great. I was SO distracted that she only took one vile of blood and it was easy. Too easy, only one vile?! I can't believe I've never donated blood before. I'm totally doing this after my delivery. I was instructed to go get a Frosty (ok!?) and rest. Jimmy and I separated and I drove home. Upon getting out of my car, I noticed the stack of papers I had in my hands while giving blood. UMMMM, what are these?
My worst fear was correct... I drove back to the vampire shop and gave them the papers, they almost lost their face, trying not to laugh. Yep, I had to give 12 more viles of blood. Well, I am actually grateful of how it turned out. If I had to give 13 viles of blood all at once, I think I would have been a puddle of tears, but the phlebotomist did a great job and I didn't cry. It was all worth it... look at these beautiful photos of Baby Lemon!